
Sentence and Kind of Sentences

English - English Grammar & Composition - Sentence and Kind of Sentences


এক বা একাধিক Word শৃঙ্খলভাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়ে যদি একটি সম্পূর্ণ মনের ভাব প্রকাশ করে, তখন তাকে বাংলায় বাক্য এবং ইংরেজিতে Sentence বলে।


(i) The dog is a faithful animal.

(ii) He goes.

(iii) Run.

এখানে প্রথম বাক্যে একাধিক অর্থাৎ ৬টি word ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে। দ্বিতীয় বাক্যে ২টি word ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে এবং তৃতীয় বাক্যে ১টি word ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে। তৃতীয় বাক্য দ্বারা বুঝা যায় ১টি word দ্বারাও বাক্য সম্ভব। শুধুমাত্র Run শব্দটি (word) দ্বারা কাউকে দৌড়াতে বলা হয়েছে। এভাবে ১টি word দ্বারাও থাকা সম্ভব। যেমন Good, Yes, No, Listen, What, Walk ইত্যাদি।

Kinds of Sentence 

অর্থভেদে Sentence পাঁচ প্রকার। অর্থাৎ প্রকাশভঙ্গির ধরন বা কারো মনোভাব প্রকাশের ওপর ভিত্তি করে Sentence-কে পাচ ভাগে ভাগ করা হয়। 


(i) Assertive Sentence (বিবৃতিমূলক )

(ii) Interrogative Sentence (প্রশ্নবোধক )

(iii) Imperative Sentence (অনুজ্ঞাসুচক)

(iv) Optative Sentence (ইচ্ছা বা আশীর্বাদসূচক বাক্য)

(v) Exclamatory Sentence (বিস্ময়সূচক)


গঠনভেদে : গঠনভেদে Sentence-কে আবার তিন ভাগে ভাগ করা হয়। 

যথা :

A. Simple Sentence 

B. Complex Sentence

C. Compound Sentence

Content added || updated By
Attend your classes regularly
Do not attend classes regularly
Attend classes regularly
Not attend classes regularly
Do not waste your time in vain.
Do not waste time in vain.
Not waste your time in vain.
Do not waste your valuable time in vain.

Assertive Sentence

যে Sentence বা বাক্য দ্বারা সাধারণভাবে কোনো বিবৃতি প্রদান করা হয়, তাকে Assertive Sentence বলে। 

যেমন— I know him very well.

The wind is unfavourable.

Assertive Sentence আবার ২ প্রকার। যথা :

(1) Affirmative Sentence (হ্যাঁ বোধক বাক্য)

The Python moves slowly.

(ii) Negative Sentence (না বোধক বাক্য)

The Python does not move quickly. 

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Assertive sentence
Optative Sentence
Imperative sentence
Complex sentence
I wish our cricket team to win the 'World Cup'.
I wish that our cricket team wins the 'World Cup'.
I wish that our cricket team could win the 'World Cup'.
I wish our cricket team can win the 'World Cup'.

Interrogative Sentence 

যে sentence বা বাক্য দ্বারা কোনো কিছু জানতে চাওয়া হয় অর্থাৎ প্রশ্ন করা হয়, তাকে Interrogative Sentence বলে।


(i) Do you like tea?

(ii) Where are you going now?

(iii) Does he read a book? 

Content added By
What matters if I fail?
Does it matter if I fail?
What does it matter if I fail?
Doesn't it matter if I fail ?
What is matters if I fail
Does nobody trust a liar ?
Does anybody trust a liar?
What does not trust a liar?
Who trust a liar?
Had your father came homme last night?
Did your father come home last night?
Have your father came home last night?
Was your father came home last night?
Did he ever go there?
Did he never go there?
When did he go there?
Had he ever gone there?

Imperative Sentence

যে sentence বা বাক্য দ্বারা আদেশ, উপদেশ, অনুরোধ ইত্যাদি প্রকাশ পায়, তাকে Imperative Sentence বলে।


(1) Take care of your health. 

(ii) Let us go out for a walk.

[Note: Imperative Sentence-এ সচরাচর verb দ্বারা বাক্য শুরু হয় । 

Content added By
Attend your classes regularly
Do not attend classes regularly
Attend classes regularly
Not attend classes regularly
Attend your classes regularly
Do not attend classes regularly
Attend classes regularly
Not attend classes regularly
assertive sentence
imperative sentence
optative sentence
Let it be done.
Close the door.
The job is done.
She is cooking.

Optative Sentence

যে বাক্য দ্বারা মনের ইচ্ছে বা কামনা, প্রার্থনা এসব বুঝায়, তাকে বলে Optative Sentence। 


(1) May you live long.

(2) May Allah help you.

(3)May Allah help you. 

(4)May you recover soon.

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Exclamatory Sentence

যে sentence বা বাক্য দ্বারা মনের আনন্দ, সুখ, দুঃখ, বিস্ময় প্রভৃতি প্রকাশিত হয়, তাকে Exclamatory Sentence বলে।


(1) Hurrah! We have won the match.

(ii) Alas! I am undone.

(iii) How beautiful a bird is! 

(iv) What a sad piece of news it is!

[Note: অবশ্যই স্মরণ রাখতে হবে যে Interrogative Sentence-এর শেষে প্রশ্নবোধক চিহ্ন (?) বসবে এবং Exclamatory Sentence-এর পর (What/How দ্বারা শুরু বাক্যে) বিস্ময়সূচক চিহ্ন (!) বসবে এবং Hurrah, Alas, Oh ইত্যাদি দ্বারা শুরু বাক্যে উক্ত শব্দগুলোর পরেই বিস্ময় চিহ্ন (!) ও বাক্যের শেষে ফুল স্টপ (.) বসবে।

What a delicious meal!

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Simple Sentence

একটি মাত্র Subject এবং একটি মাত্র finite verb নিয়ে গঠিত Sentence-কে Simple Sentence বলে।

Everyday we play football.

Killing the bird, the old man brought bad luck to the crew.

The sun having set, we went home.

Content added By
Since she was ill, she did not come.
Read more and you will know more.
If you read more you will know more.
In spite of his proverty he is honest.
There is an immensity of scientific boons to mankind
Science has given immense boons to mankind
Science is immensely popular to mankind
Science has large boons to mankind
Science has many boons to mankind
I admit his greatness as a poet
I admit him to be a poet
I admit his poetic genius
That he is a great poet is admitted by me
His greatness as a poet is admitted

Complex Sentence

একটি Principal clause এবং  এক বা একাধিক sub-ordinate clause নিয়ে গঠিত Sentence-কে  Complex Sentence বলে।


He said that he was innocent.

This is the act that a wise man does. 

If you read, you will learn.

[Note: If, although, though, before, after, as, because, since, that, so that, unless, whether, when, where প্রভৃতি দ্বারা complex sentence  যুক্ত হয়। 

Content added By
He is a boy
He is a good boy
Though he is wealthy,he is a miser
In spite of his wealth he is a miser
he is a boy
he is a good boy
though he is wealthy, he is a miser
in spite of his wealth he is a miser
Simple sentence
Complex Sentence
Compound sentence
Interrogative sentence
He is a boy.
He is a good boy.
Though he is wealthy,he is a miser.
In spite of his wealth he is a miser.

Compound Sentence

একাধিক Independent principal clause, co- ordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, also, however, moreover, thus, so, therefore, else, as well as, yet, whereas, not only but also, otherwise) দ্বারা যুক্ত হলে, তাকে Compound Sentence বলে।


You are a student, so you have to study well.

Do or die.

The thief saw the police and ran away.

Content added By
complex sentence
simple sentence
compound sentence
exclamatory sentence
History shows right and wrong ways of the discoveries of science
History has to choose right and wrong use of science and its discoveries
There are right and wrong use of science and history shows it
Man always has to choose right and wrong use of discoveries of science and the history of civilization
Man is behind discoveries of science and history shows
Work hard and you will succeed in life
By taking fruits and vegetables, you will get vitamins.
The sun having set we returned home.
Because of raining, we could not go to school.
The enemy fled as soon as they saw us
I am glad that you have come
The enemy saw us and fled at once
I have found the pen I lost
Owing to weakness I cannot Walk
As I am weak I cannot Walk
I am weak but I can Walk
I can walk although I am weak
Please, contribute to add content into Negative Sentence.
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I had no doubt whether he had passed.
I was not sure whether he had passed.
I was not doubtful whether he had passed.
I was not doubtless whether he had failed.
No one is better friend than he
No one is best friend as him
No friend is better friend than him
No friend is better friend than he
No star but the evening star appears
No star but only evening star appeared
None but the evening star has appeared
No star but evening star appeared
Does mother cook rice?
Has mother not cook rice/
Does not mother cook rice?
Does mother not cook rice?
There is no mother but loves her child.
Who does not loves her child.

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